Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Prayer Needs

I thought I'd be posting a prayer need for Kim who was not well yesterday but she is better and thinks it may've been food poisoning. Today Pam is not feeling well. She says she can walk in a straight line now. Steve feels she shouldn't go to East Nepal. She's still waiting to hear from Father. We leave in just under two hours! We pray she can go. Her main concern was dizzyness but that seems to have subsided.

Pray for health protection for the rest of the team and for energy to present the LTUTP with flexibility! I'm uncertain what the situation we'll go into - how much space for any breakouts, etc. But I have a peace knowing the Lord is the One in control - NOT ME!!

Blessings, dear friends! We covet your prayer covering for our trip and want you to know that as we hear of your needs, we are praying here!


  1. Pam, we love you and know you will feel better soon. We are praying for you and your team.
    Adam, Cristy, Chase and Lindsay Butler

  2. Praying for Pam and all of you!!
    Love ya'
    Betty Barrow

  3. You're covered! This morning these things were part of prayer coverage. God fixed my hot water boiler this morning so I could shower before work, so I know He'll take care of Pam! (and this was after my prayer time!!!!)
    hugs! Abba Daddy YOUR THE BEST and I know You know what's best for Pam! In Jesus Name we ask that You touch her now and remove that which is interfering with Your hand for this time and place, In the Name of Jesus! AMEN!
