Saturday, March 14, 2009


We're going to East Nepal!! Praise God! Steve just called (8:30am Sunday here) to say the strikes have been called off. Pray that no new strikes begin while we are there and that God continues to open the way!!

1 comment:

  1. FYI: Today's prayer included more prayer regarding communications and God's voice while I thought about those electric lines all tangled. Prayer included Jere 1:10. This is so exciting. All my prayers I am seeing revealed in your messages! HALLELUJAH! There is going to be more at LTUTP, look for an open door from Heaven!!!! These attendees will be like lights on a city hill! HALLELUJAH!
    Agree with the hunger, Peggi. Same story when I was in Paraguay!
    Hugs! More prayers coming for you all!
